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Plast-Ukrainian Scouting in Slovakia

Dachverband Conference of Ukrainian Plast Organizations (KUPO)
After World War I, Ukrainian Scouting continued to grow. During that period, Ukraine was partitioned among USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Rumania; Plast found a home in all four parts of the country. The fastest growth occurred in the western part of the country, under Polish occupation, but there was also vigorous growth in Transcarpathia (then a part of Czechoslovakia) and in Kyiv, in the Ukrainian SSR (through 1923).

During that period, Plast acquired a number of permanent campsites (particularly in the Carpathian Mountains), and started its own publishing house, which published numerous scouting handbooks, scouting journals and magazines.

The development of the movement was somewhat impeded by the First World War, but Plast continuously gained new members and supporters, particularly during the period of Ukrainian independence, 1918-1920.


Unfortunately, during the late 1920s and the 1930s, the growth of the Plast organization was severely curtailed. In 1923 it was totally eradicated in the part of Ukraine which was incorporated into USSR, and in 1929 it was outlawed in the Polish-occupied portion of Ukraine, where it went temporarily underground. Only in Czechoslovakia (i.e. in Trans-Carpathian Ukraine) Plast continued to develop.
Despite the banning of Ukrainian Scouting in most of Ukraine, Plast was far from dead. The numerous Ukrainian émigrés, in various countries of the world continued to carry on the scout tradition. They formed a Union of Ukrainian Scouts-Émigrés (Spilka Ukrainskykh Plastuniv-Emigrantiv, SUPE), which, despite the very difficult circumstances, continued scouting activities. In particular, SUPE was active in Prague, where the Czechoslovak government was friendly towards Ukrainian scouting.



Even during the darkest days of World War II, Plast did not give up, but tried to carry on scouting activities in Ukrainian lands under Nazi occupation —in spite of strict prohibitions by the Nazis, as well as by the Bolshevik regime. But, meanwhile, some former Ukrainian scouts used their knowledge of wood-lore at the service of their country, as partisans against the Nazi occupation.



As a result of Second World War, millions of Ukrainians found themselves in exile, first as displaced persons, and later dispersed in many countries of the world. In the "Diaspora," they renewed their work with children, forming scouting units among the exiles. In 1947 they participated in the 6th World Scout Jamboree, in Moisson, France.

All of the separate émigré Plast units were loosely united into one large Plast family, the Congress of Ukrainian Plast Organizations. They "kept carrying the torch", of Ukrainian scouting traditions.

Entnommen von: http://www.plast.org/info/Ukrainian%20Scouting-Plast%20History.htm
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