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Scout Association of Ireland

Dachverband Scouting Ireland
About Us : About Scouting Ireland Sai
Scouting Ireland SAI began as the Dublin City and Dublin County Boy Scouts. In 1921 the name was changed to the Irish Free State Scout Council and it became a national organisation. In 1949, when Ireland became a Republic, the name was changed again to the Boy Scouts of Ireland and further changes in the 60's and 90's saw it become first the Scout Association of Ireland (SAI) and then Scouting Ireland SAI.

Since its formation in 1908 SAI consistently offered a true scouting programme as it developed over the years, changing it's policy, organisation and rules to reflect rapidly changing times as our country itself developed as an independent nation.

There were major developments over the years. In the mid-sixties the growing ties between the country's two scout associations were formalised with the creation of FISA, the Federation of Irish Scout Associations. SAI and the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland (CBSI),formed in 1927, were now members of the World Organisatioin of the Scout Movement through FISA and both would play an active role in international scouting.

There is no doubt that Ireland and its people were enriched by the existence of two strong associations who each had a strong will to bring all of the benefits of Scouting to each generation of young people and as Irish society developed Scouting grew with it and changes were implemented that reflected the new needs and requirements of the community.

SAI had always been multi-denominational and in addition to Cub Scouts and Scouts it also had a Sea Scout section. Developments included the formation of Beaver Scouts for younger children and Venture Scouts for older teenagers and young adults.

SAI also became co-educational and ever since then girls have played a pivotal role in the success of Scouting in Ireland.

Entnommen von: http://www.scouts.ie/about-us/about-scouting-ireland-sai/

Scouting Ireland is the National Scout Association for Ireland and a member of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement. Scouting Ireland was formed on 1st January 2004 from the two original Scout associations in Ireland, Scouting Ireland S.A.I. and Scouting Ireland (CSI). Both associations voted to join together to form a new single association in 2003, following a decision to set this process in motion in 1998.

Entnommen von: http://www.scouts.ie/about-us/
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